A group of Owen's friends went in together to get him a big boy bike for his birthday. Because it's been chilly out, he has been relegated to riding in through our living room, entry way, and kitchen! He's gotten pretty good in there; but, I still wondered how he would do out in the real world.
This weekend, he got to take his new ride outdoors and he did AWESOME! I am still floored that my cautious, perfectionist first-born got on the bike. Never mind that he rode it around the block like he's been riding for ages. To learn how to stop, we played "freeze" with him on the bike. When Liam or I said "stop", he had to stop. I pointed out to him that when he was going fast enough before stopping, the stopping created skid marks.
Oy. This fascinated the kiddo!
Now, he starts and stops constantly! He was so proud, that he rode to Mimi's house (a neighbor), rang the bell, asked her to come outside, so that he could create skid marks on her sidewalk. Nice, Owen.
In other news...Liam said Owen's name for the first time today. It was so cute!! "Ah-win! Ah-win,
hewp!" He wanted Owen to help him with a door he needed opened.
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