Saturday, March 2, 2013

Gavin & Mango

Last summer, we adopted Mango from the local animal shelter.  At the time, Mango was guestimated to be 4 months old.  The kitty hid from us for quite a while.  I couldn't blame him.  Three small boys all wanting to play and love on him would seem overwhelming considering he was a stray.  But, this kitty has turned out to be the sweetest, most loving, playful addition to our crazy house. 
Mango and our dog, Tobie, are great friends.  They nap together during the day.  Will play with each other when Mango gets those crazy wild hairs.  And, Mango usually wants to go outside with Tobie when Tobie goes out to potty.  If he does remain indoors, Mango will meow at the door so that we know Tobie is ready to come in.
But, the best friend that Mango has made has turned out to be our sweet Gavin.  I was lucky enough to capture a few photos of these two together this afternoon.  I think it is amazing that our kitty will even tolerate these crazy bear hugs from Gavin.   So sweet.

 Their favorite game (now that the Christmas tree is down) is boncy ball....  Gavin throws the ball and then he and Mango scramble for it.

 I think these two are incredibly sweet together.