Saturday, December 3, 2011

One Year Old in a Flash!

We celebrated Gavin's first birthday with a "one year old in a flash" party. Given my love of this baby and my love of taking pictures of him and his big brothers, I thought the theme was perfect! We had turquoise and lime and silver everything. Had a fun Polaroid and a scattering of disposable cameras for the bigger kiddos. And decorated with photos from Gavin's first year. It was fun!
With the four families that joined us, plus ours, we had 14 kids at the party! Is that crazy, or what??
Gavin's big brothers and their friends handled opening the gifts for the little guy.
Gavin was fine with that!
Gavin and Cole were looking at a toy with Emma. Guess Cole wanted a more comfortable perch--he sat in Gavin's lap. Hahaha!
A rare photo of me with one of my little guys.
Cake time! Always the favorite for me and my little family ;-) We love cake.
Gavin kept trying to touch the candle flame, so had to hold the cupcake while we sang. That made him a teensy bit mad.
Once he had the cake, he was oh so happy.
Emma K was so sweet. She stood by Gavin for a lot of the time he had his little cake. She plays with Gavin at her house a lot. Sweet little friend to him. Emma D had fun taking Polariods!
Gavin's crazy brothers taking a break from his toys to enjoy his cake.
Did I mention that this guy loved his cake. I do think it was the high point of the party for him.
Cake is gone. Guess I'll eat big brother's cookie.
All three playing with the Dino that GG got Gavin. This was a HIT!
Happy first birthday to my baby, Gavin. I absolutely cannot believe he is one year old.


txmom24 said...

I just love Gavin's shirt. Did you purchase or create it? It is awesome!