Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Meeting Baby Bram

 My brother and his wife welcomed a baby boy a few weeks ago.  My mom, Liam, and I made a trip up north to welcome the little fella into our family.  Oh my goodness.  He is so cute!  Liam was smitten with his birthday buddy!
 Grammie and her newest grandson.  Four grandsons in 4.5 years -- not to shabby!
 Liam enjoyed tickling Baby Bram's tiny little feet and flopping his legs ;-)
 Sweet baby cheeks and fuzzy baby hair. 
 Liam and Bram had quite a few adventures--the biggest one was their trip to the zoo!
 I brought the Polariod and film for Mr. Liam to take his own photos.  He had so much fun taking pictures -- so cute to see him tote that camera around.
 Liam:  "Momma, can I take a picture of you?  Now, say 'cheese'!"

 I think Liam, Grammie, and I all enjoyed watching these hippos.  Seeing them stand under the water and lift their head up for a yawn, drink, or sip of air, was pretty facinating.

 Wow!  Rhino!
 Baby Bram with his eyes open.
 Baby Bram the Butterfly.
 Mr. Liam, the Butterfly.
 Uncle Ben and the middle muskateer.
 Liam toting his camera down the the river where we were going on a boat ride.  And, his cheeta who we named "Toledo".  Toledo goes everywhere with Liam.  Poor Cooper the Bear must be feeling sad now.

 Liam snapping a picture of the mules that would be pulling our boat down the river.
 Baby Bram checking out his Grammie.
 Baby Bram snuggled in his daddy's arms.

What a sweet little guy!  I would have loved to bring him back home with us and cannot wait to see him again!!!


Anonymous said...

Baby Bram looks like Baby Ben when Ben was a baby