Friday, December 10, 2010

Gavin is one week old today!

Baby Gavin is a week old today! This tiny fellow has made us feel totally at peace and in love with him and with our family just the way it is now. I already LOVE being a mom to 3 boys. I can see so much fun in our future!
But, first, we have to get Gavin bigger! Little man had a check up this morning to assess his weight and it didn't go well. While he has grown an inch since birth, he has lost 6 ounces of weight in the same amount of time. We are hoping that he is on his way back up and will visit the doctor again on Sunday to confirm that. If so....that will be GREAT news! If not, I am uncertain of the next step. I know that I am ready to have a chunky guy! He doesn't even fit into the Preemie sized clothes my friend Lanie mailed him...he is that little right now. Owen and Liam both told him to "Grow Gavin Grow" many times today. Owen commented this evening that he thinks its working. I hope he is right about that!
Speaking of Owen...that is one big brother that can't get enough of the newest baby in the house. Monday night, after his Christmas program at school (which he chose not to participate in) he came promply home, crawled on the couch, and asked to hold he baby. He LOVES holding his baby.

As I feed baby Gavin, Owen sits and pets his head. When it's time to burp him, Owen often takes over. He holds Gavin on his shoulder, pets his back, and says "it's okay baby, everything's okay, Big Owen's got you." Priceless. I need to get it on video.

Happy one week birthday, Baby Gavin.
Grow Gavin, Grow!