Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Spidey-Owen Turned 4 Today

Four years ago today, this little man gave me the greatest gift -- he made me a momma for the first time. I remember the very first day of his life (okay--the first afternoon -- I was a little groggy that morning) like it was yesterday. The smell of him. The feel of Baby Owen in my arms. All of it. I've been telling Owen about him as a baby for the last few days and letting him know that I am a little sad that he is already so big and F.O.U.R. years old. I birthday he will be 5. That's old enough to start real school. Oh my. Anyhow, Owen explained that he wants to be big so he can do things, like drive a car, etc., etc. But, at then end of our conversations about him getting so big, he snuggles close to me and says...."but, mom, I am still very small. See? You can still hold me." Ahhh. Sweet, sweet boy. Tonight, he also informed me that if I like three year olds so much, I am in luck--Liam will be three on his next birthday and then I can be happy again, he said. Hum. Not quite what I mean seeing as how Liam has to get bigger to become three. But, that's beside the point, eh?

So, we celebrated Owen's birthday with a crazy costume party after school today. Owen had a blast!!!!!!!!!!

He picked the Blue PowerRanger costume to wear.
There was superhero costumes for the boys and fun pink, purple, frilly ones for the girls.
Parachute time was a big hit.
The look on Owen's face when his cake was presented to him by Miss Stacey = priceless!
Not really sure about whether he liked us singing to him or not....
Blowing out his 4 candles.

These pictures crack me up. I asked Owen if he wanted a picture with each of his friends. Emma joined him first.
Then, Parker.
Then, Noble.
Then, three more friends ... Emma D, Skye, and Grayson. I was going for a picture of him with each of his friends in small groups. But, this worked. Ha!
Everyone signed the birthday chair. Cool thing about this year is that most of the kiddos signed their own names!!! I love that!!! We will have to let Grammie, Pa, and Aunt Julie sign as their absence was due to the date I picked....
Owen was very happy to drag his gifts home and open them!
After the party Owen said that the best part was "Seeing all of my friends dressed up in costumes and having fun with me".
The third best part of the day for me was Owen giving me an unsolicited "Thank you so much for the super fun party, Mom."
Second best part of the day for me.... Owen waking up in my bed this morning and, upon realizing it was his birthday, standing straight up in the bed, in the dark, and saying "Mom, look at how big I am today. I turn four years old today. I am so big. See?"
Very best part of his day for me ... watching him enjoy HIS birthday all day long. He was so happy, so thankful, and so sweet. My heart swells when I watch him. Love this kid so much.
Happy Birthday to my sweet, first-born, stubborn, smart, curious, independant, biggest brother, kind-hearted, super-hero-loving, Owen.