Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Busy Boys

Gavin is getting so close to walking. I really can't figure out why he still wants to hold onto something -- but, he does. He was trying to keep up with Owen and Liam outside yesterday -- he couldn't. Perhaps he is just waiting until he can run before he let's go??

Man, when I saw the below picture of Liam on my camera, I was blown away by how grown up he looked. Just love seeing him smile with his whole face...
...especially when the eyes get all squinty. Surely trouble follows this look. It's the smile he gives when he is about to do something he knows he shouldn't. Oh Liam. He makes us laugh so we don't notice the mischief.
Finally got our computers up and running on Monday after PC Geeks made a house call. Owen is loving it!! I have designated this one as "his" computer and we have found some great preschooler games on it. I was blown away at how he knew what to do. I guess Computer Center at preschool is really paying off since I haven't ever sat with him to show him how the mouse works. He's a pro already ;-)
Gavin has discovered that he likes the trains. And the train table. Both of which I think Liam would be happy if neither of his brothers wanted to share with him. Liam likes the trains so much more than Owen that I think he feels this room is kinda his. Poor guy has a rough time playing trains with Gavin, even when Gavin is really trying not to wreck his track.
After a couple of time outs (for Liam) and a little lesson in train table etiquette (from momma) the boys got going in the same direction and smiles (okay, looks of concentration) were had by all!
Back in the computer room, Owen and I decided it was best to keep the doors closed so that littlest brother didn't come in and turn off the computer every few minutes. For about 45 minutes, Owen was able to have some time in the computer room on his own. I still am amazed that he can play on it that long and not call me in to help him. Oy.
Once Liam found Owen and the two of them were in there, Gavin took more notice. He wanted in, too, by golly. He stood on his tippy toes to see what they were up to and then proceeded to bang on the door. Ha!
Sweet Owen, who adores his littlest brother, decided he was done with computer time, opened the door and invited Gavin in, and then showed him that he could turn the computer off for him if Gavin so chose. And Gavin did choose. That's his favorite thing to do in there.
I shared this below pic on Facebook, but have to post it here, too. It just cracks me up. I guess Gavin is going to be a good multi-tasker. He can crawl and drink his milk at the same time. His version of the "to go" cup is hilarious.
Busy boys!