Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Is it really February already?

Last weekend, my mom and Larry kept the "big" boys for us so that Gerard and I could start packing for a move. In organizing closets, I found these fun shark shirts! Last year, Owen and Liam each had one. I loved them so much I ordered Owen the next size up so that I would have one for all three of the boys! So glad I found these for this year -- I had forgotten that I did this!

Gavin has been practicing his walking. I love watching him walk. He is a wobbly little bundle of laughter when he walks. He is so proud of himself and gets to tickled at the idea of getting cheers from anyone else who catches him in the act....

Funny little fellow.
Gavin and Liam have quite a bit in common. But, the thing I notice the most is their love of trucks, trains, and cars. I thought this picture of them each playing with a "Mack" was cute.
And, silly Gavin gets a kick out of racing behind Liam, emulating his big bro.
If they were in matching clothes, this would look like a mirror shot...
Liam and Gavin on the tractor. Owen saw this and asked where was he. LOL.
Liam and Gavin watching Pa move trees with the big blue tractor.
here's Owen....he was over helping Grammie move sticks from the burn pile over to the fire pit!
This boy loves to work.
Gavin enjoyed watching us from the front of the RV. He got so excited when we would look over and wave back at him!
Gavers got pretty intersted in figuring out how to work this tractor. He knows where the peddle to make it go is; but, his legs are about a mile too short ;-) So, Pa helped him out....
Happy Baby.
Last, but not least, Liam's teachers sent home hearts for the kiddos to decorate for the bulletin board. Liam wanted to make his like a monkey. I am not that crafty; but, we found some supplies at home and whipped this up during Gavin's nap one day when Owen was at school. He was so proud of it! So am I for that matter.
Hope to blog again soon!