Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Not So Perfect

Today was PJ day at Owen and Liam's preschool. They are doing the letter "P" this week, so to celebrate they have a day of pajamas, pizza, and Presidents. The boys were all PJed up in their favorite characters today and I asked them to let me snap a quick photo. It's rare when they WANT their picture taken. RARER even when they stand where I ask them to. And even RARER when they are still long enough for me to grab the camera AND they smile. So, imagine my dismay when the moment ends, they run off, and I look through the images and find that NOT A SINGLE ONE WAS IN FOCUS. Really? They cooperate and I still don't get the shot? Oh well. Just icing on my not-so-perfectness I have going on these days. It's still a cute shot of the "big boys", isn't it? Even if it is a bit fuzzzzzzzy....

Gavers is just a walkin' everywhere now. Crazy.
Grammie and Pa got the boys a shopping cart for Valentines. I got them a little more food products. They have enjoyed playing with their market, cart, and abundance of food today.
They kept taking turns playing the different roles in the "store."
Gavin is happy behind the cart, but he likes to be behind the store, too.
Owen is managing the shop now, while Liam and Gavin struggle over who gets to fill the cart and who gets to push it....
Owen gets bored while they work it out.
Just another not-so-perfect day in the life.....