Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine Parties

Today was party day at the boy's preschool and I feel like I should have been awarded with an "I Survived Party Day" t-shirt at the end of the school day! Wowzers. First, let me just say that Gavin no longer just happily sits in a stroller and looks on. Nor, does he just want to hang out in my arms and watch from that vantage point. No sirree. He wants in on the action. That certainly adds to the difficulty of attending the parties, mush less being co-mom-in-charge of one. Oy.

First party was Liam's. I thought that Cooper's sweet book about trying to figure out how to show his mom he loved her would be a hit. And it was....with Liam. Boy, you don't realize how long a book is until you are watching a sweet teacher read it to 12 restless 2 year olds who just want to move on to the party table. Sorry, Ms. Michelle ;-)

Liam, me, and Gavin.
Funny, funny, Gavin. He took Liam's glasses when Liam went to pass out his Valentines. Holy Moly. This picture is probably among my Top 10 Faves EVER. It just makes me laugh out loud EVERY time I look at it....
Sweet Liam passing out his V-Day cards.
Then, a few hours later (thankfully Gavin got a little nap in between), we went to Owen's party.
These hearts are decorating the wall outside the classroom. To say that Owen's picture is HORRIBLE would be an understatement. Whoa, Buddy. I can assure you this Valentine won't be on our fridge. Ha! I will, however, keep it for laughs.
Owen at the craft table with his side kick, Gavin, just before Gavin fell and bonked his head on the table, which ended with a good ole ice pack. Did I mention that bringing him to the parties is turning into a pain???? Literally.
Owen's Valentine sack. I love that his "N" is backwards. He is still working on them and usually asks me to do it for him. I am so glad he did it all by himself. It's just cuter that way! Oh, and the four lines on the "E" are awesome, too!
Owen passing out his Valentines!
Hope you all have a Happy Heart Day!