Friday, April 27, 2012

Gerard's Birthday and the Big MOVE

The boys had a grand time helping Gerard celebrate his birthday earlier this month.  They were so excited to throw him a party.  I piled the three boys into the shopping cart and and they picked out everything we needed to have the perfect celebration.  Cookie cake, candles, birthday cards (Spiderman, of course), balloons, plates (Toy Story 3), napkins, dinner....  And, the best part was the handmade cards from Owen and Liam.

They wanted to suprise Daddy Q; but, I didn't really know what time he would be home from work.  So...had to have him call me when he got to the 'hood so that we didn't hide for hours.  He acted suprised, which the kids LOVED!

 Happy Birthday, Hubs!  You are a wonderful father and husband.  I hope your birthday celebration was everything you dreamed it would be and more!
 We continued celebrating with a Day Out with Thomas.  What else could a father of three small, train-loving boys want to do for his birthday ;-)
 The wee one has taken to climbing onto the train table for easier playing.
 We moved this past Monday.  All our stuff was loaded onto these 2 trucks in about 3 hours.  It is taking far longer to unpack and organize.  Oy.
 the boys having their first after-school snack in the new house!
 our family on moving day in front of the new house (as requested by Dona).  Liam was very, very, very upset to have to leave his train table for a picture; but, we only had a few moments between picking up Gavin from Mimi's and before leaving for Owen's baseball practice AND while someone else was at the house to take the picture (thank you Carpenter Jeff).  Had to take what we could get!  The house already looks different, as the painters started on the exterior the day we moved in.  The front entry is done now!  Will plant a few flowers in my pots (which are now on the front porch) and take another photo!
 Almost 4 years ago, Gerard parted ways with his Air Hockey table and gave it to the neighbors who had teenage girls.  Their girls are a College Freshman and High School Senior now, so they thought we might want it back.  This had made three little boys VERY happy. 
 It cracks me up that Gavin gets in on the action like he does.  Sometimes he even plays like you are supposed to.  Funny.

We are super busy getting unpacked and finding fun things to do in the new house.  Will blog more soon!


The Rausch Family said...

congrats on the move! It looks grand and beautiful! We hope to come play soon!