Wednesday, December 26, 2007

No Baby Today!

I went for my 39 week check-up today and the doctor sent us to the hospital for an hour of fetal heart-rate monitoring. During the check-up the baby had a couple of dips, so they thought it best to ensure the baby was still doing okay in there. So...Daddy-to-Be and I went to the hospital and listened to the baby for over an hour. They did a sonogram and everything checked out fine. We thought, for about an hour, that Baby Q would come on the one day in a span of a few weeks that not one of you picked for his/her arrival ;-)

We will go back to the hospital on Monday (if Baby Q isn't here before then). If fluids are low, Baby Q will be induced on Tuesday, January 1st. We are hoping that baby either comes between now and then, or that my fluid levels are up so that there is no induction!

More to come...