Sunday, December 23, 2007

Waiting for Baby Q...

Still no baby. For the past couple of weeks, we have both thought that Baby Q was going to join us before, I am starting to think my original guess posted below (Jan 6th) is more like it!! Good thing (I guess) as we still don't have names picked out! I think my husband works best under, I figure when I start having contractions Daddy-to-Be can get out pen and paper and we can finally nail down a top three girl and top three boy name list.

The Baby sure is making things uncomfortable for me--glad that Mom (Grammie-to-be) plans on doing the grocery shopping and cooking this Christmas. I can't comfortably stand for more than fifteen minutes or so...

So...yesterday Daddy-to-Be was out Christmas shopping and I called and left an emergency voice mail--he didn't even know I had called and came home without (drum roll) ice cream. first ice cream craving occurred 11 days before my due date on the coldest day of the year. Go figure. I have never been the most conventional gal out there--but, I thought that was funny. Didn't think the fact that D-to-B missed my call was funny...but, never mind. At least there was no Baby!

Melanie came over last week to take a few shots of me before the baby comes. I started to think that I might one day forget what it was like to be pregnant--Melanie assures me that doesn't happen, but agreed to take the pics anyway! The one in this post and the one I put over to the right are compliments of Melanie Johnson Photography. Thank you, Melanie.