Friday, April 22, 2011

Gavin's Physical Therapy Sessions

Gavin has been in PT for 2 weeks now. He really enjoys it! They stretch his neck, play with him to encourage him to look left, army crawl, and roll over, and they do various balancing activities to build strength in his left-neck muscle. The last thing on that list, is his favorite! He loves looking at himself in the mirror at the various angles. Ha! What a ham!

At his PT's recommendation, I took Gavin in for a Doc Band evaluation. He has moderate flattening and facial, he's getting a band. He was photographed yesterday and a 3D computer image of his head was created from the pictures. They will make his "helmet" and he'll get it on next Friday. I was so upset by this at first, but, have come to terms with it and think he'll just Rock the Band!


Rob and Leah said...

glad PT is going well. He'll be adorable in his helmet and I know you'll decorate it so cute!