Monday, April 4, 2011

Growing Gavin

It's official. Gavin is growing. A lot! He weighed in at his four month well-check at an impressive 15 pounds 2.5 ounces (50th%). He is 24 1/4" long (25th%). Hmmm.... I think those percentages indicate he is a little on the tubby side. Sweet little, Tubs.

Gavin is rolling over, sitting with a bit of support, gooing, gurggling, smiling, cooing, etc., etc. He is the happiest sweetest Quinlan baby yet! LOVE this fellow!
He was diagnosed with Torticolis today. Essentially, his neck muscles on the left side are too short and he will need physical therapy to stretch them out so he can achieve a full range of motion with his neck. I new this may be coming....since his 2 month well visit, we have been doing stretches at home with him. But, they aren't enough and he needs professional assistance with it. Sounds like he was just too cramped in the uterus and couldn't move much in there. Hopefully, we will see a lot of improvement in 6 weeks.
The doctor also said that his eye color is "his eye color"'s permanent. Can't quite tell what color, exactly, that is. But, they are bright and gorgeous!!
I am so glad we have this sweet fella in our lives. He is a blessing and I love him more and more every single day!

Happy 4 months, Baby Gavin!!


Rob and Leah said...

His eyes are beautiful! Great seeing you in Vegas!

The Tenner Family said...

Oh, the pic of the three boys together is so, so cute! And those last two of Gavin are the sweetest yet!!