Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Our Day Out with Thomas the Tank Engine...

Sunday morning, the boys and I had an early train departure on Thomas! We booked the 9AM train and met Liam's friend, Noah, for a fun ride and train play date. The boys were both a little shell-shocked and it was early and cold. But, fun! We posed for a picture with Thomas. The boys were a bit miffed to have to look away from the train and toward the camera man.... ...and, they didn't really want to pose with their certificates like Lori and I hoped they would...

But, they did like watching Thomas pull into the station!

It was a fun morning!! It ended with me deciding to buy Liam a train table (he loved having the track at his height and off the floor) so I found one on criagslist that night.

And, on an unrelated note, bath time at our house has taken on a whole new level! All three boys in the tub these days!!

Fun times, here!!