Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Perfectly IMperfect.

Things are so busy with me back at work. Everything is going well, for the most part, though. It's just busy. If we could get Liam to go to sleep quicker, happier, easier, all would be good. But, sometimes it takes about 3 hours to get him to sleep. He will move around, cry, play, talk, cry, move around, etc, etc, etc until 11 pm. Eventually, he just stops and goes to sleep. We don't believe in crying it out. So, we just lay with him in bed until he finally just falls asleep. I have no idea what else to do. We tried his old crib (we booted Gavin out). It worked well for one nap. But, short of that...some nights are just easier than others. No rhyme or reason. Oy. Anyway, I have to blame something for the lack of posting...so, we'll just blame sweet Liam ;-) He is in bed now--only took about 45 minutes tonight--so here's a post! Gavin is eating solid foods now. We started him on rice cereal (day 1) and then blew right on over to veggies. He is my 3rd baby...don't forget that. Rules schmools. So...he now eats green beans and peas, too!

Wouldn't you know that big bro Owen wanted in on the action! I think Liam would, too, but he is too busy eating his own dinner to worry much about Gavin at meal time!!
Tried to get a "perfect" picture of the three boys. Yeah right. It doesn't exist. Thought I got a few, though, that were so IMperfect that they were, in fact, perfect examples of our life right now. Can you see something wrong here? Gavin is such a good sport that I didn't notice until I was uploading the pictures that he was being held by his noggin. Poor fellow.
A shot of Liam and Gavin by Owen. I do think Owen might have some photography skills. Not bad!
Again, what's wrong here? How hard to you think Liam fears Owen's grip will get? He is poised and ready to remove Owen's hand as soon as the going gets tough.
Fun times with Buzz and Woody in the house.... I tried to get a simple picture of them standing next to each other.
Yes, life at our house is far from perfect these days. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. These boys bring such joy and fun to our lives, they are totally worth the chaos. The only thing I would change would be Liam's going to bed habits....any advice ;-)


Lindsey Goodwin said...

I hear ya on the far from perfect, but I just try to take each moment as it comes because I know they won't be small for long...some days that's easier than others! On the sleeping front - I fear this coming when we move Calan to his big bed...the main reason we bought a 3rd, yes 3rd crib. :)

Rob and Leah said...

I love all the photos and the theme of the post! They're so cute as Woody and Buzz. I hope the bedtime issues improves for Liam...it's just a phase, right? Hang in there!

Kristie said...

It still takes us sometimes, up to an hour to get C to bed, Gracie we can take right in and she will go right to sleep, but she won't sleep through the night, C sleeps through the night! We've learned that it goes much quicker with C if we don't answer his questions and just act like we are sleeping! Of course, if he has to go to the bathroom or wants a sip of water, oblige but other than that we just lay there. Good luck, I told Greg that Gracie is staying a in a crib till she turns 16!!! ha ha! The boys are so cute and getting so big!