Wednesday, May 11, 2011

the middle brother.

Liam is the sweetest brother. He looks up to Owen like no other. I have a lot of pictures now of Liam looking at Owen instead of the camera. If Owen is sad because there is only one Thomas the Train cup and Liam got to have it b/c it was Liam's turn to pick cups, Liam feels bad for Owen and shares.

If Owen gets hurt, Liam toddles over and says "What's da madder, O-nan?" I mean. He is a doll.

But, it isn't just Owen that Liam is a good brother to. Liam absolutely adores Gavin. Liam and I took Gavin to a doctor appointment recently, and Liam was so worried about him. When the boys are watching t.v., Liam will climb in my lap to be next to Gavin and he will just pet Gavin on the arm, leg, head, whatever.

And, in the wagon the other night, Liam wanted to have his turn holding his little brother. Look at how happy Gavin is in Liam's arms.

we love our little middle guy.