Friday, May 20, 2011

this is how we roll....

I am not sure if it's because he is the youngest of three, because he has torticollis which may delay gross motor skills, or because he has such a laid back personality, but.... whatever it is, Gavin just isn't that into rolling over. He can do it. We've all seen him. But, he just doesn't do it very often. Could also be that since he's learned to sit up, that's his preferred position as he can watch his crazy brothers better from an upright position.
Regardless of the reason, we are having to work with him on rolling (orders of his physical therapist) and getting his baby ab muscles stronger so he can sit straighter for longer periods of time.

Lucky for Gavin, he has 2 big brothers that are eager to help him hit his milestones and make his PT happy. Here they are plotting their efforts. No, really, Owen and Liam were waiting to watch little man roll over. It's quite an event. It happens so seldom that everyone cheers when he does it....
Liam, in particular, likes cheering. So, he kept rolling Gavin back on his tummy and then....

Scooting over to cheer him on to roll over again....
...and again, and again.

Owen, on the other hand, is the big "sitting" helper. He will lift Gavin by his shoulders to a sit and then perform silly antics that make Gavin laugh so hard he plops over, just to help him up again.

I think Owen likes the belly laughs he elicits from his captive audience.

Lucky for Gavin, he has two brothers that are eager to see him succeed! Luky for me, I get to watch them have a blast together.

Yup, that's how we roll....every success in this house is a team effort and I wouldn't have it any other way.


The Rausch Family said...

I just love those boys! Thanks for sharing!