Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Celebrating Daddy Q.'s Birthday

Daddy Q had a birthday recently and the boys were so excited to celebrate with him! Owen and I ran out and got a few gifts for him that morning....he is so hard to buy for that we didn't have the ideas until the last minute! In the end, we got him work boots to use while we make the lake lot ready to play/build on (from me), a bucket of tennis balls (from Owen), and a Lady GaGa CD (from Liam...Gerard's request).

The birthday guy with his little 'un.
Owen "helping" Daddy open his gifts.

Gerard had gotten Owen a tennis racket recently. Owen LOVES it. The first night, Owen took it with him to bed. The racket and the boy have been pretty inseparable. Gerard took Owen out for his first "lesson" in the drive way. He wanted Owen to balance the ball on the head of the racket and walk back and forth...

Owen kinda cheated; but, he was very, very proud of himself!

He did keep asking, over and over, when they were going to get to "hit those balls." Here's our little tennis star in the making waiting for the ball to be hit to him.
If he ever wins a Wimbledon Championship, folks, remember this post. ;-)
Happy Birthday, to the best Daddy these 2 little boys could ever hope for.