Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Many bloggers participate in a common theme on Wednesdays..."Wordless Wednesdays." I have thought about joining in and just posting a few pictures and hitting "publish post." This was going to be the one picture I posted...
...and, I wasn't going to say a thing about it.

But, then again, I always feel slighted when I see a "Wordless Wednesday" blogpost, as I often want the story behind the photo. So.... I thought I might do my own version. Maybe do a group of photos with a similar "story" and just give a very brief intro. So, I went through the others that I was itching to post and tried to pick just a few that would tell a story. No luck. So, in the end, I just decided to post like I usually would. You can stop at the image above if you are dying for a Wordless Wednesday experience. Or, you can keep scrolling down if you want to see more of my sweet boys. Either way...enjoy.

Liam and Curious George have become friends. Not so much that this is his official "lovee"; but, he does like to cuddle C.G.

...and talk to C.G.

...and, did I mention, cuddle him. Awwwww.
Owen has been practicing more tennis with Daddy.

...and throwing tantrums if he missed the ball. Just in case I might one day forget Owen's tantrums, I thought I would stick a picture of one up here so that it makes the book I am doing for Owen & Liam. Owen's tantrums are, at least, quiet. He gets mad, kneels down and puts his head to the ground, and stays perfectly still until he cools off. To give you an idea of how long that can be...this particular one probably lasted 30-45 seconds. Today, at baseball, one lasted a good 3-4 minutes. When he gets up, he practically has steam coming out of his ears he is so fuming mad. He huffs and puffs and stomps around for a few seconds and then... he, often, will smile, resume playing, and act like nothing happened. That, my friends, is an Owen-Tantrum.
I watched Liam eating his banana and watching Dora today and just thought he looked so big.

Gerard wanted me to post this one for Chippie so that she could see our flowers.

Liam is watching his crazy brother....

...."jump to the sky."

Umph. Stuck the landing.
