Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fun times.

Last Thursday, Noble came home with us from school. Emma came to play for a bit and all was calm. After she left...the boys went wild. Good, fun, crazy, boyish, wild. Yes, I know these pictures are blurry. I did that on purpose to try to capture the craziness. Not sure if it works for you; but, I liked it. And, its my blog. So...look at your own risk....
Yes, I let my kids fly in the house.

And, our rules are the same whether we have company or not ;-)
One, two, "free", go!

Oh, what fun.
Lest you think I can never be serious with the's a shot of them after the sillys wore out. We did three puzzles, thankyouverymuch. Oh...please ignore the Sonic cups ;-)
On Saturdays, Liam and I have a standing date. I take him to a morning Gymboree Music class. He's never quite sure if he is happy to be there or not, until about half way through. And then he seems to really get into it.
He really loved banging the sticks in time to the music.
I think, second to when they roll the balls around the room to one another, this was his favorite part.
Some of the others got tired of their sticks before Liam. Liam scurried out of my lap to snag them.
Yup...nothin' but fun times 'round here.