Friday, June 24, 2011

Opening Night!

I am really not sure I've ever been to the opening night of anything. But, when Owen asked me this afternoon to take him to the theater (where on earth did he pick up that name for the movies, anyhow?) to see Lightening McQueen I have to admit I got a wee bit excited.

I love the movies. Owen did not do well the first time I tried to take him to a movie. It was at least a year ago, if not longer. He was spooked by the darkness and the volume. I've been a little bummed ever since, because I have always wanted a kid to take into the kid movies with me so I don't look like a total loser going to see animated films on the big screen.

So, even though it was opening night, and even though we had been swimming for three hours and Gerard and I had seen a glimmer of hope for an easy bed time, I made the movie date happen. Owen was excited.
So, off to the 'theater' my three and a half year old and I went. He is a charming little date.

We got our popcorn and drink. Handed our tickets to the ticket taker. Found cimema "1". Took our seats. Watched all {holy cow, you would think they may have a few less for a 'kids' movie, of the previews. Watched a cute Toy Story Toon. And then Cars 2 started! It was a strange start. I couldn't quite follow what was happening, so I know my three year old couldn't either. But, once it got underway--we really enjoyed our show.

And, I enjoyed my date with Owen!

Fun times!