Sunday, June 26, 2011

Liam's 2nd Birthday!

Liam turns two this week. Our sweet, strong-willed, perfectionist, funny, foodie boy is turning two. Tonight, at the pool, Owen wanted me to sing the "noble duke of york". I did. We looked up and saw Liam doing a hilarious little jig. He had us in stitches. That's Liam in a nutshell. He is so darn funny at times.

Admittedly, he is definitely the most difficult personality of the three boys, but just as soon as I am ready to let him go live with Grammie and Pa, he does something totally sweet, totally funny, or just totally "him" that melts my heart and reminds me why I can't live without the little bugger. LOVE him!

Liam loves his baby brother Gavin so much. He adores his big brother Owen more than I ever hoped. But, he has also fit in a love for trains and cars and trucks. So, a "transportation" party was planned for Liam. Isn't his cake amazing?

Grammie and Pa keeping Baby Gavin entertained during the party.

The party started with Liam's very favorite art project....painting with monster trucks.

Then, we moved into the play room for more fun with cars and trucks. All of the kids happily played on the equipment, participated in the games, and had fun. My 3 boys, though, would have been just as happy playing with a truck for 30 minutes.

Baby Gavin getting so big!

Miss Holly played red light green light with the kids. I saw this and chuckled, because Owen looks like he is really running his heart out with a win in mind. I guess I was right about that, because when he just saw this photo he said "mom, it doesn't look like it in this picture, but I won that race." Ha!

Back in the party room for cake! The cake got put in front of Liam and his face just lit up. Then, he got confused about the candles and almost lit his little plate on fire while looking around for a parent to help him blow them out.

Daddy Q showed Liam what to do, but he still wasn't willing. Just when some of the other kids were about to get up to help, Owen shot out of his chair and blew the suckers out. So funny!

I felt bad for the kiddos that had gotten excited to blow the candles, so we re-lit them and let the others do it. Then, we did it again. Then, we did it again. And, then, I think our little birthday boy was ready to dig into the cake, so we stopped.

Not sure what made him happier, the cake or his balloons.

After the party, it was time to head home. And, like any good big brother should, Owen kept watch over the gifts to make sure they didn't get left behind.

And, at home, Owen was happy to Emcee the gift opening part of the day. Lucky for him, Liam would respond with a "uh huh" every time Owen asked if he wanted to open another present.

After a long, long, party day, the boys had a nice, relaxing story time with Grammie.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Liam! We love you to the moon and back, little buddy.



Rob and Leah said...

Can't believe he's 2...happy bday! Looks like a very cute party and cake.