Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Coat & New Walking Clips

Owen got a new coat for his big trip to England. Isn't he a dapper little man? Mamma thinks you are oh so handsome!

I got three fun clips tonight of little man practicing his moves. I really want to remember this -- I think it is so much fun to watch -- and, before I know it he will be walking across the stage for his diploma!

Owen dribbling the ball across the living room floor...

Working on keeping his balance while turning...

I love, love, love his little walking legs. In his pj's tonight he looked so darn cute that I wanted to eat him up. He picks his feet up so is precious. For those of you who don't know our house, he has just left his bedroom and is walking toward the kitchen/dining/hall to garage area. Once get gets to the cross road, he isn't sure where to go... so fun!