Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Practice Makes Perfect

Owen has been working really hard on walking. It is amazing to watch him concentrate so hard to develop this last major physical milestone (at least the last one before the really FUN ones--like fence climbing, shooting spit balls, and turning his eyelids inside out). O has two ways to approach this new skill. Sometimes he just lets go of what he is balancing on and goes for it, but other times he really gathers his strength and focus and concentrates on trying different moves, turns, or other skills that go with walking. Daddy Q and I are getting a kick out of watching him. Whether he is just going full on, no fear, or really taking his time to figure it out, I love seeing this corner of his personality.

The funniest thing that O has tried to "add" to his walking repertoir is kicking the ball AND walking. In the clip below, he falls after the kick...so I would have tried to get a better shot because this really is pretty cool (if I say so myself--I am his mom, so of course I think every move he makes is awesome). But...I kept this clip cause it has a surprise at the end that I think the grandparents will enjoy!

Okay, enough bragging on the little man....I'll get to the clip already.