Sunday, February 14, 2010

This has little to do with Valentine's Day...

We had a great Valentine's Day. Daddy Q and I went out for dinner last night. We got to enjoy live music, good food, and a kid-free evening. I gave him his gift. He loved it. Today, we went to church. Tried to get a cute picture of the boys dressed up for church. They wouldn't look at the camera at the same time. Finally, they did. The battery died. Oh well. Had lunch. Napped. Woke up. Had dinner. I got my gift today. I loved it. The kids got their gifts. Loved them. Went grocery shopping. Got kids in bed. Blogged.

Since the camera went caput during our valentine's photo shoot, I have no pictures from today to post. But, I do have something that I think is even more fun to entertain you on this Happy Heart Day....

The loves of my life at about seven months old--both of 'em. You see, sometimes, when I snap a photo of Liam, I feel like I have seen something very similar to it before. There are so many moments when Liam's facial expression reminds me of one that Owen made (or makes). Times when I see Liam's face screw up into a pout and am taken back 18 months to Owen doing the same thing (in the same outfit). I went back tonight and found some examples to share...both boys are six or seven months in these photos.

Well...that was fun.