Thursday, February 11, 2010

What Up, Snow-Homey.

It is snowing today. For 12 hours, it has been snowing. Lots and lots of snow. The news just reported 6.2 inches--only a little more and it will be an all-time record for D-FW. Wowzers.

Owen's school didn't cancel, so off he went today. We enjoyed the Valentine's Party; but, I think the best part of their day was the snow ball fight the teachers let them have. I had a good feeling about this "school" since I signed Owen up. But, hearing today that Owen's teachers took the kids out in the snow and then, further, brought it in in bowls and let them have a snowball fight in their classroom was beyond awesome in my books! Now, I KNOW that I love that place! I am so hoping that their enrollment for Owen's room stays small so that they can try Liam in there next year (he will be a few months too young, but if the class is small enough, they may let me bring him).
The teachers reported that Owen had a BLAST having the snowball fight. And, I believe them. It was the first thing he wanted to do when we got outdoors. But, then he started to slip on the sidewalk and changed his mind. I think he would like it better if I could get him on flat ground...he is nervous of falling.
Liam, on the other hand, is fascinated with this stuff. He was leaning over in the Bumbo to get a closer look. He is so bundled, that he struggled to move around. Poor little guy.
I decided to make the boys a snowman. But, I don't have much practice AND I had two young boys out in the snow all by, time was limited.

I set to work, and then Owen and I went inside to get stuff for the eyes, nose, mouth, etc. I got some Oreos for the eyes, a crayon for the nose, and chocolate/butterscotch chips for the mouth.

Owen reminded me that colors are for paper, only. He wouldn't let me put it on the snow man. So, I molded a nose out of snow. Once we looked at our finished product, I got so tickled. He looks like he is wearing sunglasses and has a couple of gold teeth. our Snow-Homey!
What up?

Owen was ready to get inside. And color and snack and watch Diego. BTW...the shirt he is wearing was made by him at school. Cute, huh?
I let him take in a snowball and throw it at me, Liam, and Bubba. But, we stopped at one. I do have wood floors and freshly cleaned carpet to think about, too.