Sunday, June 13, 2010

Top Ten from Beach Trip 2010

I've done it! I went through all 297 images, edited them, saved my favorite 60 or so, and then narrowed them down even further for this blog post. Here they are, my list of the Top Ten Beach Moments to share with you....

#1 Liam's very first ever feel of the ocean. It's not his first trip to the beach...but, it was the first time that he got down in the sand and water. He loved it the first time. Enjoyed the entire first day, really. But, as the days went on, he grew more and more tired of the gritty sand all over his little body, the hot sun, and the splashy-water. By the end of the trip, his best beach time was during his early morning walks with Aunt Dona.

#2 Watching Owen fall in love with the ocean. His relationship with the water was the exact opposite of his little brother's. Owen hated it at first. In fact, it took until day four before Owen happily set foot in the water. From then on, he just got braver and braver and had more and more fun. How could we leave after just one week when little man only got one good beach day (the last two were rainy)? We couldn't! So, my awesome family and very nice husband, let Owen, Liam, and me extend our vacation by another week. We moved into my family's house, said bye-bye to Daddy, and stayed on for seven more days of fun in the sun. Are we spoiled or what?
#3 Pa teaching Owen to fish. Little man had a fish on his hook when he got done reeling. Never mind that Pa had caught it before and thrown it back in still hooked.
#4 Daddy Q and Owen smashing eggs on the hot sand! This was all fun and games, until Daddy Q landed one right on Owen's forehead ;-)
#5 Awesome Afternoon Naps. Most of the trip, the boys took really good, simultaneous afternoon naps. Sa-weet!
#6 Owen taking over the camera one afternoon was a lot of fun. He was really interested in learning to work it. After showing him what to do, and getting his fingers set just right to hit the shutter button, Liam and I posed. Owen got this shot in the group... pretty good for a 2 year old! I love Liam's spikey hair in the photo. I had just put sunscreen in it and given him an SPF 50 Mohawk!
#7 The Boy and the Watermelon. I just love how this image turned out. Great lighting, colors, and expression. Love it, love it, love it.
#8 Evenings at the beach were a lot of fun. Some nights both Owen and Liam would be awake and we would enjoy some twilight time on the beach. But, some nights Liam was asleep and Owen and I were solo. I enjoyed all of the evenings. But, the times running and splashing in the evening light with Owen are treasured for sure. He seems to love the beach most that time of day. One night Owen had something other than splashing on his evening beach agenda. That night, Gerard, Owen, Liam and I all went down to the beach. While there, Owen started picking up seaweed and making a big pile by my chair. I asked him what he was doing. He was "making a bird's nest", of course. When finished, he placed a shell on top that he thought they might like to eat. Then, he started telling all of the gulls he saw where his nest was. It was pretty cute. He tried off and on for the next week and a half to get a tenant in there. No such luck.
#9 Peek-a-boo with Liam is the absolute best! He is absolutely adorable playing this game. I love to play with him. But, I love watching him and Owen play together even more. Hearing Owen's little voice say "Where is 'Wiam"? and then watching Liam pull down the blanket and hearing him belly laugh makes my day!
#10 Watching my boys play in the water, sand, and sun was such a joy. Trying to time when to go in, not so much fun. If we stayed out too long, I endured massive crying fits while getting them all cleaned up and ready for a nap. But, it was worth it. We all had a blast.

St. George Island, FL, Summer 2010, was a vacation to remember! I sure hope the oil disaster doesn't reach the, so far, unspoiled beaches of the island so that we can return next year. These last two weeks were amazing.