Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Liam David Turns One Year Old!

Liam successfully turned one year old!!!! The doc measured him at 30 inches tall (58th percentile) and about 22 pounds (25th percentile). I thought for sure my chunky monkey was going to be higher up in the weight category. But, alas, he is well proportioned for a 12 month old....yay, Liam!

Liam wasn't so keen on wearing the birthday hat for the 1 year scale photo shoot. He threw that hat off every time Owen or I put it on his sweet little head. This ended up my favorite because he is looking down at it, disgusted. Ha! That his little Irish temper in a nut shell. This boy knows what he wants and doesn't care too much what the rest of us would like him to do. Happy Birthday, Mr. Independant!

Waking Up One.
At one year, Liam is saying "mama", "dada," "bubba {the dog}", "uh uh {uh oh}", "ba {ball}", "go", and "juice." In addition to his words, he speaks volumes through his body language and hollerin' . If this little fella wants something...you know it and, trust me, its in the best interest if your sanity to figure it out quick!!!

Liam's birthday lunch.

Liam started walking a bit, got to where he could take about 5 or 6 steps on his own, and then decided it wasn't for him. I think he figured out that he can keep up with big brother faster on all four! He is a very fast crawler and a slow walker. Just today, though, he started getting excited about trying to take steps again. I am guessing he will walk by his 13 month birthday...time will tell, though.
Liam loves to play with toys, loves to eat, loves to crawl around in the grass chasing balls, and loves to eat (oh...did I already say that....he really, really loves to eat)! He is a very happy baby when he is in the play room. He is even happier when Owen wants to involve him in playing trains, cars, or balls. He loves to play.
Liam is a great sleeper. Little man likes to be rocked for a little while after bathtime; but, then he is ready for his crib, blanket, and paci, and he puts his own little self to sleep. In the mornings, when he wakes, he finds his paci and sticks it in his mouth, turns on his music maker in the crib, and plays quietly until someone comes to get him. When we arrive, he bends down to get his blanket and he is ready to go. Cuteness!
Liam has added so much to our little family. He is full of smiles, happy to play peek-a-boo or "if your happy and you know it, clap your hands", and ready to laugh at anything Owen does that is the least bit funny.
Oh, and he got two new teeth for his 1st birthday!!
Happy First Birthday, Puddin' Pop. We love you to pieces and excited to watch you continue to grow up, little man. Just don't do it too fast...okay?