Friday, July 2, 2010

4 years.

In 2006, four years ago today, Gerard and I were surrounded by awesome family and great friends in Windsor, England as we tied the knot and became a little family of 2.

In 2007, we were enjoying life together traveling to fun places, like Los Angeles, London, Paris, and to the doctor's office for frequent updates on the baby that would be born in 2008 and make us parents.
In 2008, Owen Michael was born, making us a family of 3.
In 2009, Liam David was born, making us a family of 4!
And, in 2010, baby Quinlan #3 will be born (coming by December 17th) to make us a family of 5!
Today, we celebrated our four very busy years together by hanging out in the pouring rain, kid-free, watching a road-guy tear down trees on our lot in the country for the construction of a driveway! Listening to a bull dozer tear trees from the ground seemed peaceful, relative to our visions of 2011....three kids three years old and under will make for a crazy household!
Happy Anni, honey. I wouldn't want to be living this crazy life with anyone but you! You are an awesome husband, a great father, and an amazing friend to all of us.
Good luck to us in 2011--prayers that we will be smiling in our anniversary photo ;-)