Saturday, June 19, 2010

Nearly Naked Boys Eating Popsicles

Our afternoons start off so normally. We have clothed kiddos doing innocent activities, like eating blueberries...
...hand picked...
...from our blueberry bush by Owen.
And then things start to get a little crazier. Owen has learned how to turn on the water hose (a trick he learned at the beach from hosing the sand off ourselves on a daily basis). So, in very little time, we have two, very wet, very HAPPY, babies.

But, I can't stand to watch them play in water saturated clothes. It looks so uncomfortable. So, off come the clothes. Then, out come the Popsicles.

The best part of the Popsicle eating, is that Owen comes inside with me to get them, picks one for Owen and one for Liam, has me open Liam's first, he gives it to him, then I open Owen's, and he takes it and goes to sit right next to his little brother to eat the ice cold treat.
They just watch each other and enjoy their snacks. Sometimes laughing. Sometimes just watching the butterflies. And, sometimes...
...sharing a lick or two.
We're having a great summer so far!
I am okay with having nearly naked boys eating Popsicles every afternoon. In Owen's words,
"It's Fun!"