Friday, February 4, 2011

2 months {+ 1 day)

Baby Gavin is two months old and growing like a weed! Last visit to the pediatrician, his size was in the bottom 10% for babies his age. This month, he landed himself much higher on the scale! He is now 11 pounds 1 ounce (38th%) and 22 inches (21st%). Just like his brothers at this age, little man is rounder than he is tall ;-) But, I mean, look at those cheeks!!! Super sweet.

After two months, Owen is still just as crazy about his baby brother as he was the day he came home from the hospital. The newness hasn't worn off. Liam is interested in Gavin; but, not like Owen. Liam keeps a good eye on those two, and when Owen seems really preoccupied with Gavin, Liam sneaks upstairs from some private play time with the toys up there...sneaky little fella!
Gavin has got to be the sweetest baby ever. Not that I am an expert or anything...but man is he a breeze of a baby. So sweet. So easy-going. So happy. So much so that I didn't really get too concerned about some symptoms he's had recently. Took him in for his 2 month well visit yesterday, and learned my laid back chunky monkey has RSV. Now, he is on breathing treatments and going for daily PulseOx checks. Wow. Poor little guy! Because he is sick I gave him a day off from modeling for the scale photo and did it a day late--after learning his PulseOx readings were better.
Sweet little man coos and gurgles up a storm. He is quite the conversationalist. His smiles are infectious! So sweet. I captured a smirk on's blurry...but, I am sharing anyway.
For Gavin's 2 month birthday, we got dumped with snow. That made getting him to the pediatrician for an RSV check more difficult. We took Owen and Liam next door and Gerard escorted Gavin and me in the Jeep!

Sweet boy all snuggled in his car seat... Those cheeks! LOVE!

To finish off the two month post, pictures of all three guys at their two month doctor visits. Aren't my babies cute?
Happy 2 months, Baby Gavin. Get well soon!!