Friday, September 23, 2011

Just Liam.

Liam is 2 years and 3 months old. He is a silly little boy that enjoys a good laugh. He is quick to anger; but, forgives just as quickly and easily. He shares. He kisses owies. He hugs. He dances. He loves.

This little guy has really made two years old look like a breeze. He rarely gets in trouble as he almost always complies with requests. If he starts down a path of misbehaviour, just a reminder that he needs to use his listening ears often does the trick. Given how tough his baby-hood and toddler years were, I am amazed. He has gone from most difficult, to easiest in the last 3 months or so.

Liam adores his big brother Owen. Some of the funniest moments are when he tries to imitate Owen. He does this mostly with speech. With actions, he seems to know his limits and/or what he, Liam, likes to do, and he won't always follow Owen. But, verbally, he can tell a story just like Owen, but without the words. He just kinda goes through the syllables and the intonation and facial expressions. So, when Owen tells me about friends at school, Liam tells the same story about the same friends in fewer syllables. Hilarious. But, if Owen wants Liam to try to ride Owen's scooter---"no way" says Liam. He'll just ride his Tow Mater (pronounced "two beers" by Liam).

That's Liam in a nutshell. Super fun little middle guy. LOVE him.