Tuesday, September 13, 2011


We've been busy. Here are a few snaps of what's been going on.

Lot's of together time....
Owen's first Blastball game. he looked so big walking out to the field.

Owen is the third from the left, the one who is "baseball ready." He didn't get a single ball in the field, but he had two really great, solid hits!! Proud of him! After his first time at bat, Liam greeted him in the dugout with a "Good job, Onan." Melt. My. Heart. When Owen went onto the field, Liam cried. He couldn't understand why he couldn't go, too. Soon enough, Middle Man, soon enough.

The Coach brough snacks. This made for some happy boys. Owen shared with Liam. Sweet.

We went to Grayson's 5th birthday party....KaChow. Gavin has started clapping--oh my sweetness. Owen and Liam played in the foam at the party--messy fun.

The boys met Lightning McQueen at the party. Don't tell Uncle Gerry that Owen stuck his foot up on the door to pose. I didn't notice in the moment. KaChow! Liam was in little boy heaven. In addition to Lightening McQueen, there was also a Yella Mator! Fun!

Owen & Liam started swim lessons. They both did so great!

That's all for now....