Thursday, April 24, 2008

First Sick-Visit to the Doctor

Poor guy, he is not feeling well today. He woke up this morning at 7:30 AM, gave me a quick smile, and then started fussing. This was my first clue. He is usually so happy in the mornings and barely ever fusses. Not only was he fussing, but it sounded kind of hoarse, coughed a couple of times, and sneezed. Oh dear.

I changed his diaper, left him in his PJs, and fed him a bottle. He was content to just sit with me after the bottle when usually he is ready to get moving on his activity mats. So, we read a book and chatted with Daddy. He seemed pretty interested in the book, so we read it a few more times. Then, he started crying again--it is a different cry than I have ever heard. It really looks like he is communicating that he feels awful. So, I gave him some Tylenol, the rest of his bottle, plus 2 more ounces. Then, we read some more and he seemed content.

His eyes grew heavy around 8:15 so I went to put him down for a nap. This is when he really got upset and it confirmed he wasn't feeling well. AFter 30 minutes of crying, coughing, sneezing, and getting chocked up, I got him down for a nap, called Mimi, and the called the doctor.
We are going in at 10. I will update the post with what I find out....
We are back home. O has a little head cold; nothing to worry about. I did get a good lesson in how to clear mucas from the nose! The doc recommended lying him with his head between my legs and his arms under them so that I can keep him still. Put a burp cloth on his chest and work fast. She recommended a big hug when its over. I tried it since it distinguishes "cleaning my nose" time from any other way that I hold him so that every time I go to wipe his nose he doesn't think I am coming to suction it. It was easy to do, but it did make Baby O pretty mad. The big hug at the end was good for both of us.
He is not running a fever, so the doc said all is good as long as he keeps eating. Little Man is napping now--hopefully, he will feel better this afternoon.


Kristie said...

Oh Little O, we hope you get to feeling better soon. Cutter is just getting over his allgery induced head cold! Hope you are feeling better by Tuesday! ~Kristie and Cutter

Anonymous said...

Poor baby, stuffy noses are not much fun! Get well soon, Love Grammie