Monday, April 7, 2008

Weekend at Grammie & Paw Paw Mc's

The bluebonnets are in bloom! Ever since I can remember, my mother has wanted photographs of us with the bluebonnets. So, a couple of weeks ago, she let me know they were in bloom in College Station. When Linz said she was going to College Station for the weekend, O and I decided to tag along for the roadtrip. This was O's first official, overnight stay included, roadtrip! All for a picture... Here's the little man asleep in the back seat of Linz's car!

I have a photo album for O that is squishy and made for teething. It contains pictures of O with all of the people of love him most. I was missing one of O with Grammie and Paw Paw Mc all in one photo!! So, they posed...
Grammie reading a bed time story. This is the book that Grammie bought for the little guy at my shower; we were building a baby Q library. We read it, and Goodnight Moon, every night.

Playing... showing off more like it. O showed his Grammie and PawPaw Mc that he can lift his head way up high. And, when on his back, he can grab his toys with both hands to get them to his mouth for more exploring!
Laying on the couch watching Mickey Mouse with his giraffe named Aggie.
First trip to Layne's for some seriously good chicken strips--he doesn't know what he is missing!
On the way home, Linz got some news that meant we needed to get home. So, we detoured. My dad picked O and I up in my and Linz's hometown and drove us halfway to Dallas. Daddy Q met us and we had dinner and then went our separate ways. Here is Grandpa with his crazy order!!! He hardly ever eats Mexican and got carried away--they brought it on three plates. Hilarious.
Thanks for the lift, Papa! Linz, your family is in our thoughts and prayers! We love you so much!!


Anonymous said...

Hi S! They grow so fast, don't they? Baby Q is an angel. Love your blog...
Sorry that I'm just now getting back to you.
I took my first online digi scrapbook class here...
I'm on my third class with her now.
Great learning! Let me know if you have any other questions!