Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What we've been up to...

Baby O was feeling better on Friday, so he went to Mimi's. Then, Saturday afternoon, he appeared to get to feeling "not so good." On Sunday, he was really miserable. He didn't want to sleep without being held. To get a good nap in, I skipped the grocery store and we napped on the couch. Is there anything worse than the feeling of not being able to make your child feel better instantly? By Sunday evening when Daddy Q left for the airport, even I didn't feel well. No fun.

Baby O did fit in some time for watching Entertainment Tonight with me on Sunday.... He is pretty into it, isn't he? I guess he has the English aptitude for good, celebrity gossip. He must get that from Daddy Q and Grandma Q....

Thought this smile was laugh out loud funny! He is so proud of himself in his new toy!

And...this is Miss Tobie today after a rampage through her dog toys. She has not done one destructive thing in all of the time we have had her (she was adopted in September 07). Today, she went nuts! Thankfully, she knows what toys are hers and what aren't. She even ran upstairs to grab the ones from the toy basket up there. If any of you know our dog, she doesn't go upstairs for anything. She is so skittish, that she seldom will follow us up there. But, today, she ran up and down the stairs to grab the toys to rip the toys to grab more toys to rip more and so on....she is worn out.

Baby O is feeling way better today. Here is a series of bath time shots. He absolutely loves splashing in the water. We get a smile first, then a show of splashing (it looks tame in the photo, but it is anything but (I get pretty wet from the sideline), and then a finishing smile. Isn't he precious?

Last, but not least, here is my Punkadoo waiting for his "last thing before bed" bottle--he is little miffed that I picked that moment to snap another photo. He knows that the bottle is coming and the camera is in the way of a full tummy.

I miss this little fella when he goes to sleep! Who wouldn't?