Friday, April 4, 2008

Three Months Old

Time is flying by! I cannot beleive it is time for another installment of the scale photograph! The lighting today was different than before, so I may re-take these and replace this post. But, you can see that my plan is working!! Baby Q is lifting his head up high AND kicking his feet in this one. The photo is small; but, his feet are out of focus becuase he was movin' and grovin' today!!

He is making so many faces and responding to voices, faces, and things around him. I have found so much joy in watching him discover new things, learn cause and effect, and to begin anticipating things. I sing the "itsy-bitsy spider" to him and tap his nose at the end, which makes wrinkle it. He starts smiling as soon as I start the song anticipating the end! It is so stinkin' cute! distracts him for a moment when he isn't wanting a new diaper. For three months, I thought I would show the faces of my Punkadoo. So, here he is:

Smiling...this is definately my favorite face!! The Itsy-Bitsy Spider, "flying", bathtime, bottles, and seeing mom or dad first thing in the morning are all things that lead to this sweet face...

Listening and watching...This is his I am seeing something new and taking it in face...

Concentrating...This one is really funny and I am so glad that I captured it on film!! This is the face he makes when he is practicing something. In this photo, he is tracking his hand as he moves it around. He makes this face in the bathtub before splashing and also under his activity mat if there is a toy he wants in his hand (the latter is very new).

This is his quietly soothing myself face! His little thumb saves him a lot of tears. This little guy can put himself to sleep when he is tired. One afternoon I set him in his bed for a few moments so I could grab his book to read to him before a nap. When I came back he was laying just like in the photo below, very content. So, I stood and just watched him and he fell asleep in about five minutes. Now, if I am holding him and he won't go to sleep, I will just lay him down and sometimes that's what he needs.

Things that have happened in the last month:
* O has been sleeping through the night for 3 weeks now. He goes to bed between 7 and 8 pm and wakes between 6 and 8 am. Only twice as he awakened for a middle-of-the-night bottle.
* He talks...AloT. He says Ohh, Ahh, Unkkkkk, Agoo, and Maaaaa
* He holds his head up really well now. When I am carrying him around, he really looks around and takes everything in.
* At daycare, he enjoys watching the other two boys play!