Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Whoa! Remotes and Balloons...Wow!

O is fascinated with our remote controls. So....when I saw an Elmo one in Target I picked it up for the little dude. I added batteries and then set it out next to our other remotes. Later, O came over to the ottoman to play with the remotes... First, he picked up our old one, then our newer one, and then...the Elmo remote. When he touched the button, it talked. This photo is taken after about 5 minutes of pushing buttons and getting a reaction from the remote. To say that he was absolutely astonished by it would be an understatement. Wow...what a happy dude. Now...if only it would TiVo Dancing with the Stars, the Backyardigans, and Sesame Street.

Saturday, we went to Brennan's birthday party...this is O and Daddy Q leaving. Sweet, huh??


The Tenner Family said...

I'm beginning to think that your son does nothing but smile!! Even when he's sick he is so unbelievably adorable and happy!!!