Friday, October 31, 2008

Baby's First Halloween!

Happy Halloween!! O's first Halloween was a very, very busy one. Here are some photos of O in costume--I think he is too cute too spook! He didn't wear his hat much, but when he did...darling! I just love his little face and something about this costume made me just want to love on him even more (after he got over his craziness of the early morning, that is).

This morning, the Mom2Mom group at church got together for a Halloween play date. I left my camera at home (much to N's mom's disappointment)! I was in the mood for not being in charge of photos ;-) But...Cathy was there (to see more of her photos and superfun blog posts, click on Abby's blog to the right), and her photos are awesome! So, she got put in charge of taking shots of all of the little ones in costume! Her photos of O are awesome--thank you for taking them and thank you for giving me a break from those crazy mom's of N and P ;-)

Tonight, we attended the 1st Annual Boo Bash in the neighborhood. We had dinner at one house, trick or treated, and then had dessert and drinks afterwards. So much fun to get all of the kids together!! Here is O with Talia (butterfly) and Caden (spider).

O and Daddy Q walking around the neighborhood. O didn't trick or treat...he just watched all of the older kiddos and took notes on how to do it for next year (or the year after that...we'll see).
Paw Paw Mc....some of the houses here were really decked out. You would be in Halloween heaven. One had a casket with a skeleton in the foyer that the kids went inside to see. Wow!!

It got late and O got hungry...good thing mommy brought him a roadie!

To everyone we hung out with today, thanks for making O's first Halloween so much fun! We had a great time!


Rob and Leah said...

He's so cute!I just love the sock monkey costume. I've never seen that one!