Sunday, January 11, 2009

Feeding the Ducks

Punkadoo was having a rough day today. He just seemed to have gotten up on the wrong side of the crib. Finally, around 2:00, I decided to get this little dude outside. He loves it out there, and I thought maybe he would sort himself out once we were out doors!We first drove to the park in our neighborhood, but it was too crowded for me and Punkadoo today. Instead, we went back home for some old bread for the ducks, and headed to the park by Mr. N's house--he and his family drove by and said hi while we were there ;-).

Owen insisted on carrying the bread himself--the whole way--he is so big now.

While we were feeding the ducks, the one goose charged us. It scared me (N's mom, I am now officially with you on being nervous around this goose). So, O and I retreated and watched from afar. He is looking out at them from the cute.

After feeding the ducks and charging goose, we meandered over to the play equipment. O found this stick along the way. It entertained him for quite a while.

Heading back to the car. I have to admit that I really like this pic.

My sweet boy after a big, big dinner and a nice bath. This was the first smile we got after the ones at the park!!

On another note, last night Stephanie babysat for O and she was able to put him to bed without a bottle. What a novel idea!!! So, I followed suit tonight, and he went straight to bed...sans bottle. Thanks for showing me that this is possible, Stevie. Tomorrow, I will drop the one I give him first thing in the morning--I really don't think he will miss that one. It was this last one of the night that I thought would take us weeks/months/years ;-) to give up!