Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Yay! Owen got to...

hear the heartbeat of his new little brother or sister today! Yay!!!! Baby Q2 is due on July 12, 2009!!! We are all so excited about the new baby! My second trimester started Sunday and we visited the doctor today--all looks good. I go for my next sonogram on February 18th--but, like last time, we don't want to find out if it is a girl or boy. If Owen was a little older, I may be more tempted because I could "prepare" him for a brother or sister. But, he is too little to understand. So, we will all be surprised again!!

I am convinced it is a boy. My midwife even caught me referring to the baby as his little brother when talking to Owen during the exam today. I will be happy either way, but I do think it would be really neat to have two boys since they will be so close in age--only 18 months apart!

Aliza let Owen "talk" to Baby Q2. She held the Doppler up to his ear and told him to talk to his baby. It was so cute. His little face perked up and he really started listening for the baby to talk back to him. One day, Owen!!!

On another note, I had two very handsome dates for my birthday dinner last night! Sorry, Daddy Q and Jeff--not that you aren't handsome, too, but you aren't in my photo!!! Thanks, N and O for hanging out with me--Jeff, Erin, and Daddy, Q, too! And, happy b-day to N's dad, too!!!!

Lastly, for my b-day, my mom got me a Flip video camera. I took a couple of clips at Gymboree today to play with it. Would have gotten him on the equipment--but, that would be a little dangerous. So, you see O during the group activities that are on the floor and that don't require mom!! More fun video to come now that I know how to use this fun gadget--thank you Mom and Larry!!

In the first clip, they are pushing the log--Owen preferrs to do this on his own. He never sticks with the group for long, but on Friday's when we are at open gym, he pushes that darn thing back and forth and back and forth...can't get enough. Too crazy.

Enjoy the short "trial" video!!


The Rausch Family said...

Happy Birthday! It's so great that we are just over a week apart!!

Mélange Design said...

So great! We used to do Gymboree when Chris was that age. I miss it - Enjoy! Great video!

Mélange Design said...

btw - this is Mary Schannen - I just realized my company name comes up - Your birthday looked awesome!

Rob and Leah said...

Congrats! Can't wait to follow your pregnancy! Happy Birthday!

Melanie Johnson said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so glad I can say it out loud now! We are so excited for you!