Monday, January 19, 2009

Stream of Thought...

Last night I posted a photo that I said I was using for an assignment from a workshop I am doing. Well, since last night, I have had a breakthrough and wanted to share. Thank you, Erin, for listening today and confirming my *style*.

So...assignment one in the book I am reading/using/learning so much from was about finding your style: what motivates you? We were to strive for something unusual in a photo. I have really struggled with this darn assignment. Those of you who know me, know that I am a ridiculous perfectionist with everything I do, so I really wanted to accomplish this assignment -- even though there are no grades and completing it is just for me.

I posted last night what I thought I would consider my assignment one photo. But, I really wasn't happy with it. It was nice, but it wasn't what I envisioned as MY STYLE. I went to bed last night thinking more on this darn assignment -- I have been obsessing over this since last Thursday. See...I am ridiculous?!?!?

What is my motivation? I became interested in photography when my dad gave me his hand me down Nikon film camera 10 years ago. He is a great photog and used his work in books he has written. He taught me about composition in landscapes and we used to meet between Austin (where I lived) and Kilgore (where he lives) to shoot for a day. It was our time together and I got some great images. Those were great times.

Then, last year my dad gave me a Canon Rebel. He has added these incredible lenses to my collection--items I don't even begin to know how to use, but know they are capable of so much. And...I had a baby boy who I ADORE. Thus, I became inspired to use my Rebel and neat lenses to capture my son in this blog.

So, last night I thought.... what is my style? When Erin asked me to photograph her son a few months ago, what did I do? I thought about what did RIGHT THEN as a family -- and knew they take a family walk a couple times a week, pulling their son in the wagon, to feed the ducks. So, that was my suggestion for their shoot--let's do what you do all of the time. Document your "now" and hope that we get some moments where the 15 month old gets caught up in what he is doing and forgets about the crazy lady following them to the park with camera in hand. Hmmm.
Then, I thought, what are my favorite photos of Owen from last year? Answer....the ones where I just happened to capture a moment. A moment where he was experiencing something for the first time, exploring his world, or enjoying something about where he is. Those times where I am witness to his learning AND I have my camera handy are oh so rewarding.
Last, I remembered a quote that I have "tattooed" on my wall above my favorite four photos. It is "We do not remember days, we remember moments."

Now, I see a theme. I think what moves me is the moment. The every day, simple, moment. If I capture just the right one, I get a rush.

So...that is my "Ah Ha!" with assignment one in the book. I am going to just consider my "style" as documenting moments, feelings, and the joy of learning.

Here is my "revised" assignment one photo:
Phew. If you really read that--I am so sorry for going on and on. But, I felt like sharing. Thanks for listening.


Lindsey Goodwin said...

Congrats on the baby news! On another note, your blog is so me!

The Tenner Family said...

LOVE this picture.