Sunday, January 18, 2009

This weekend we...

I started reading a new photography book on photographing children. At the end of each chapter, there is an assignment. So, we had a photo shoot on Saturday morning so that I could complete assignment one. Here is the product:

Also on Friday, Owen got to eat by himself with a spoon and bowl of pudding. I asked N's mom the other day when you finally get brave enough to try this!?!? N is an expert. I know he is 6 months older than O, so I am not comparing them, but I wondered when on earth you try. I finally just went for it.

Saturday morning...O gave Elmo a big, big hug! Little boy...big heart. Love him!

G.G., this is for you! I love the monkey outfit! Thanks for sending it! (and the place settings--mom said you wondered)! They were shipped to work and I received them last week!!! Thank you soooooo much!

Owen has turned over a new leaf. Instead of always knocking down blocks, he has started stacking them! Those of you who were here at Christmas and witnessed him getting down-right ticked off at Uncle Ben for stacking his blocks know what a big change this is!!

At Christmas, Uncle Ben kept building huge towers. Owen knocked them over 4 - 5 times, and then got completely fed up. He took the little wagon the blocks go in over to where the pesky towers were, threw them in the wagon one by one, and then pushed the wagon to the other side of the room where Ben couldn't reach it. That was the end of block building...for about 5 minutes. It was hilarious.

Now, this big boy is stacking them himself.

When do they stop growing so fast?