Wednesday, November 4, 2009

iPark and iPhone

Owen's favorite place to go is the park. Today, we met a couple other friends there. Here are some snapshots from our morning:

Owen saying "cheese." Where did he learn this? No...I am being serious. Where? I NEVER say that, 'cause I don't want a cheese-y grin. He just did it when I asked him to look at mama. Sigh. I do have to is a cute smile.
AJ having so much fun beating the table like a drum! He got the other two boys to join in--I think that made him one very happy fellow!!

Cutter being super cute. Cutter and Owen met when they were 10 weeks old. They don't see each other very often at all; but, they always have fun together. It was great to watch them. They are only 1 week apart in age, both love baseball, and they are both big brothers. They have a lot in common already ;-)
The little 'uns. Gracie and Liam. Gracie is a 3 month old cutie, isn't she! Liam, you are one lucky boy! These two will soon be joined by AJ's little sister coming in March. Owen's circle of friends is mostly male...looks like Liam will be surrounded by the ladies. Watch out.

Just Gracie.

Just Liam.
Of all the things they did this morning...this was their favorite! Running in circles around the tables. Boys.
Look how serious Owen is...
Liam after dinner.

Okay...this is probably the funniest video clip I think I have ever posted. Owen has started really enjoying talking on mom's iPhone to Pa and Grammie. I don't know what it is, but there is something SO FUNNY about his mannerisms on the phone. I think is is imitating me...I just go on about what I am doing while I talk...he does the same. But, watching a 22 month old do it leaves me in stitches. I hope you enjoy this!

Apple, Inc, if you want him for a commercial, call us.