Thursday, May 20, 2010

Last Day of Preschool

When I took Owen's picture this morning to document his last day of his first year of preschool...
I didn't think he looked much different from the one I took on his first day. Until I uploaded the picture to the blog. I guess he has grown ;-)
For one, he is now strong enough to hold up that big 'ole back pack! But, he has grown in many, many other ways, too. He talks more (a lot more), sings songs all by himself (especially cute to hear him sing Jesus Loves Me while pushing his grocery cart at Market Street), is potty trained (the regression is behind us), knows his ABCs and recognizes/knows about 25% of his letters (his favorites are "O" for "Owen" and "R" for "Arrrggghhh"), counts to 12 (sometimes he does forget 5?!?), and has become a little teacher ("No, Mom. Do it like this. See?"). My toddler is now a mini-boy.

Thank you so much, Marina and Jane, for loving and caring for my sweet boy on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We sure will miss you!!!