Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekend with Family

The little boys and I took a roadtrip this weekend to see Grammie, Pa, and Aunt Julie. Saturday night, we went to a concert in the park. It was a late night; but, was so much fun! Julie got lots of Liam time...he fell asleep in her arms....I think that was her favorite part of the night.

Liam being Liam...cute as can be!
Me with my hands full. I wanted a picture of me with the boys...but, they don't stay still long enough for Grammie to hit the shutter button ;-0

What's that strange thing in the air???

We all wanted to know. So, Owen and I went over and asked the man with the hot air balloon that was attached to the fishing pole...found out it was a video camera.
Then, the music!
Sunday was a lazy day for me! I got to sleep until 9:15, then got a 3 hour nap in. It was great!!! My family is so good to me!!

Pa taught Owen how to use his duck calls.

Then, Owen taught Julie how to use Pa's duck calls.

And then....well, I don't know what Owen was thinking here. He can be a little strange.
We tried going to the park around noon. It was so hot and humid that we didn't last long. But, when we returned that evening...perfect park weather!
Thank you for driving over to Grammie and Pa's to see us, Julie! We had a great time with everyone!!