Thursday, May 27, 2010

Little Stinker - 11 Months Old

Liam David is a whopping 11 months old this weekend. I can hardly believe it! I mean, he just seems so much older than that ;-) Ha. You thought I would say something about time flying and that he just can't be this big yet, didn't ya. Well...this little one is 11 months going on 2 1/2. He thinks he is just as big as big brother. That is, if you were to judge his age by his craftiness and diet.

Liam is a toddler in a baby's body. Just look at the picture below. Doesn't it look like he is rolling his eyes at me? As if he is just too grown up to be posing for an 11-month photo on a baby scale?
I think so. Especially after what he did next. He tested the sturdiness of the scale...
...rocked it a little. Then, rocked it a little more. Then, a little more. Until....
...he tipped the thing over...
...looked smugly at his mama behind the camera....
...and quick-crawled to the playroom to hang with brother and Daddy Q.

That little stinker.

It doesn't stop there. Little bit has figured out now that when the toys that he walks behind run into a wall, piece of furniture, family member, etc., all he has to do is walk around it to the other side and push in the opposite direction. For some reason, I am very impressed that my 11 month old has worked that out. Especially since he has Owen to come over and rescue him anytime he needs it. Determination, I suppose.

Little Bit sure does know what he wants to eat. This last week, he has swiped Owen's PB&J sandwich, grilled cheese sandwich, and a slice of pizza--and gone to town with all of the aforementioned. Parker left a piece of cantaloupe behind when he went to swim yesterday....Little Stinker swiped that, too. Emma had a granola bar at the park last week...well, until Liam saw it. Oh my word.
If you are really wanting to eat your food your self...don't set it down too close to "baby."
Owen is catching on and keeping hold of his favorite foods now ;-)

Happy 11 months, Pudding Pop. You sure are keeping us on our toes around here.