Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Baby Liam's First Haircut!

I love little-boy cuts on little boys. Its just my preference. I especially love trendy, spikey-up, super cute little-boy cuts on little boys. But, Liam's hair is so light in color and so fair in texture that I have held off getting it cut. Today, however, I decided to put an end to the chaos in the back of his little head. So, on this day, little bit got his first hair cut!
Owen was happy to go first to show "Baby Wiam" what getting a hair cut was all about. Baby Wiam wasn't paying too much attention at first.

And, then he took notice of the clippers and got a wee concerned on Owen's behalf. Lucky for me, Owen was super content in that chair today. Maybe it's because hew as being the big brother. Maybe it's because he knew if he got that hair cut his friend Emma would come and play. Or, maybe it's just that he was in a cooperative mood today. Who knows. But, it was the easiest haircut for him in 6 months or so. He was awesome!

When Owen was done, he told "Wiam" to hurry up so that Emma could come over.
Look at my sweet Liam being such a good, sweet boy. He did AWESOME!!
Well...until I walked closer to him. Then, he still did great with the cut.
He just wanted me to hold him. So I took this one last picture and then I got him out of the Hummer and held that baby boy through he rest of his cut.
He looks so stinkin' cute, doesn't he?
And, see how nice the back looks. Hooray!
My little baby Liam is turning into such a big boy.